Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Take Me To The Pool

We are all about the pool. I know, I know I've been whining about the adoption and the baby for months on end now so you might think we are all about the adoption and that new baby.

But we are not. We are all about the pool. This is as of Memorial Day weekend, of course.

Ava wakes up and says take me to the pool please. Then she beats me to the car and straps herself in the driver's seat. They have laws about that here in this state, Missy, climb in back.

This morning she suggested I take the camera to catch the head dunking action.

Sure, just let me get my coffee.

This is what happened next. Nothing. Or no pictures to show for it at least. I can only focus on one thing at a time; coffee won and the camera was left on the kitchen table. Typical. There was lots of splashing, head dunking, goggle wearing, breast stroking, and dog paddling. I know it just isn't the same without pictoral representation.

Then we came home. It was suggested that I redeem myself. What good mother would not want to capture her 4 year old's after the swim lesson look? Here is the super poser.

Tomorrow morning I will try to get the camera and the kid and the coffee in the car all in one full swoop.


mskajlc said...

Gosh she is beautiful!!!

Stephanie V said...

Referrals are in! Wooohooooo! See you in China my friend!

Lisa and Tate said...

Too cute... she is gorgeous post swimming lesson.... still want pictures of the during!!!


Anonymous said...


Olivia is absolutely adorable! Sarah looked at the pictures with me and said, "Ah, she's so cute!" I was so excited to read your post on the Yueyang site!

Travel in August? Ouch!!!

I'll sure try to follow your journey on this site. It's pretty cool.

Congratulations to you and your family - now, soon to be 4!! I'm so happy for you!

Deana Slater