In most internationally adopted kid's life there comes that doomed day when she must innocently follow her mother or father off to the local international adoption clinic for dum dum dum...a quick prod and general testing.
Yes, this sounds par for the course in any 10 month old's life right?
This day was yesterday for us. She pretty much set the course for telling the infectious disease Dr. what she thought about the whole deal by pooping twice while in the room. He barely winced at the aroma giving him extra bonus points which he needed since he has got to be about as old as some of my older underwear. She checked out fine and he proclaimed her a "keeper". I'm not kidding he said she should be a keeper, ugh ok. Would he ever tell any proud parent to send her back to China in a box? He explained her ears and sinuses looked gross and prescribed yoghurt to protect her stomach since yet another round of anti-biotics are necessary to stop the incessant goo that runs from her nose.
Then he sent us promptly off to the hospital next door for blood work. I've sort of had myself worked into a lather about this stick and run episode for weeks now. This is probably since I still hear Ava's wailing in my sleep from when she presented a non-bleeder elbow four years ago. The phelobotimist (is that a great title or what?) took one little peek at her wiggly stringy arm and called up to pediatric nursing. They came down and asked how old? I said, "ten months". They said, no way we like the newborns. So, Olivia and I followed up with "who is going to get the blood from this kid"? The overly pregnant phlebotimist called an emergency room nurse from next door who agreed to take a shuttle from next door to attempt the feat.
I called the Muffin Man at home while hyperventialing into a paper bag asking him to pick Ava up from preschool since we were going to be a while.
30 minutes later the emergency room nurse, who should be annointed, got 6 vials of Livi blood from a whrithing and heaving infant. She was sweet enough to ask if I was coping alright since I was crying black mascara all over my daughter's pink outfit. Thank goodness it's washable.
We consoled ourselves with Wendy's fries on the way home. Yes, Olivia is comforted by french fries. We are indeed soulmates.
Geez, you really should have come to our lab!!! Maybe with the next baby!!!!!
It took everything with in me not to cry when poor Harry (4) was having his "before school" immunizations. He screamed, and shouted No No No! It was awful. I sympathise with you, as taking blood, would be much more traumatic.
Glad to see that the fries fixed it all.
Blood letting, not fun for anyone. Fries are a great comfort though!
Doctor appointments stink. I had to bring Leah in for a test for strep throat last week and she threw up everywhere. Next time my husband is going to take her.
I remeber this like it was yesterday...here you are trying to buld a bond with this baby and thet strap her to a board and poke her with needled while you watch! YUCK!
Glad you two survived. Wendy's fries are the best and for my really crabby days, I dip them in chocolate frosty. That really makes the world fresh and new.
Oh, so sad. I can't believe the phlebotomist had to call in 2 others. What a wuss!
And French Fries do fix all!
She's a trooper, and a cute one at that!
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