Stool Samples: check
Physical Exam: check
Ears: fluidy but the over dose of antibiotics should knock it out
Growth Pattern Evalution: normal
State First Steps Program: normal enough not to qualify for therapy; also thoroughly impressed with walking skills dancing pony show...duly noted.
Someone has tossed us a ray of sunshine. We are mindfully thankful, as we know not everyone can rest this easy with the gift of health for their new child. Truly...thank you!
Now, what is not all rosy with this child.
Shopping. She doesn't understand the finer points yet. Obviously this child has many lessons to learn from the Master.
I'm not talking about "the let's take an easy stroll over to the Gymboree to see what's on the clearance rack"shopping.
No sir, I'm talking about the kind where we hunt and gather at the dreaded grocery store. Going on a walk to pick nuts and berries would be easier. I'm about ready to get the little one her own cart give her 20 bucks and say, "See you in an hour, babe. Don't spend it all in one place." Might as well since no one on this planet has invented a grocery cart belt that will contain my little 20lb. Olivia. She could be an direct descendent of Harry Houdini. She can escape from anything. The mini baby bathtub, the over priced five point harnessed high chair, the car seat and anything the lame grocery store has to offer to contain your child safely can be ditched quicker than her sister can name that 6 note tune. Snacks will divert her attention for about 60 seconds. Cushioning her with a blanket to cover the strap works for 90 seconds. Meanwhile we are still aimlessly tossing stuff into the cart on aisle 2 with 12 more to go. And what does dear darling 1st born daughter with whom I am forever karmically bound do in this situation? She sniffs weakness in the benevolent dictator and seizes the moment to divide and conquer. She is a little turncoat if I ever saw one. The prize? Fruity Cheerios if you must know. Her Kashi days are offically over if I can't bribe someone to watch Liv while I grocery shop.
We get home, I'm mentally and emotionally spent. Ava has fruity cheerios, Olivia has her health and we have nothing for dinner even though I spent $239.00.
Order in. That's what I do on my routine $250 grocery shopping trips. Makes Will groan every single time.
Glad to hear all's well on the medical front.
LOL! My son (aptly named Harry) was exactly the same. Nightmare. BUT... I discovered something on ebay (God bless Ebay), it's a "travel highchair" basically a harness with pants. I've not used it yet, but have read that they are like fort knox for kiddies. I plan on purchasing one for our trip to China.
It sounds like you and Angela have the Olympic contenders. Her little one year old climbs their couch and anything else she can get her hands on. Like the bookcase.
Hang tough Mom....they only get stronger. :-/
By the way, she's adorable!
"Fort Knox for kiddies"?! ha ha I love it, lee-ann!
Mine are 13 and 16 and still "on the run"...not much changes with age.
(Jaden's very proud Aunt Sandy)
I fully understand dropping over $200 bucks at the grocery store and coming home with "nothing to eat". I hate when that happens.
Try this: See if any of your local stores do online ordering. I tried it once just to test it out and it was awesome. The butcher picks your meat and the produce people pick your fruit and veggies and it all gets delivered to your front door and they bring it in to the kitchen counter.
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