Look at the side bar, notice anything missing? Fall shows, where I attempt to sell hand sewn widgets and more, they're done. Finitio, completo, all done and removed from said blog sidebar. Yesterday's show was well...ummm...sadly the best kept secret in Hamilton County. Great organizers, wonderful vendors, nice venue, awesome lunch delivered to the booth (I love that part) and yet apparently most of the good folks of Hamilton and surrounding counties were at Best Buy seeking out their $75.00 off coupon for the flat screen television big enough to eat San Francisco and perhaps not as interested in my new funky tee towels with ball fringe made from super cute over the top holiday fabrics. Seriously?

Before we get all teary eyed and righteously indignant about my rather slow show yesterday, I did sell the pair of tee towels with the leopard Santa Hats. Clearly nothing else was needed to make my day. Other than the 3rd chocolate chip cookie I ate while sitting calmly in my booth out of sheer boredom. That made me happy yesterday and my pants tight today.
While I had some time to reflect on my rather chaotic existence the last few months while being a full time mother, full time small business owner, full time wife, part time school volunteer, and full time house cleaner (fine, part time...we all know the dust bunnies are now rhinos around here) I had this Oprah'esque light bulb moment. And it went something like this. Wow, tomorrow I'm done. No matter what happens at this show, I've got the fam to go home to. And, they want Christmas baby. The decorations, the tree, some gifts, some home baked goods (although we are going to have to go next door for that one since I can't bake even boxed brownies) They could really groove on the whole ball of wax this year.

And so, it's suddenly the end of the year. I've worked hard. And loved the wee little business 2010. I even have some some thoughts for next year's creative ideas. But now, (after I list a bunch of inventory on Etsy this week...see how I slipped that one in?) I'm focusing on Rudolph's friend in the photo above. And the little kid standing in front of the preschool cubby below. She wanted to have her picture taken at preschool. See the pony fabric? It was pink and brown day at preschool, so I made her a pink and brown outfit. I know, that one was neurotic even for me. wink.
Bring on December festivities. I'm ready. Or will be as soon as I sweep up the 3 months of dust rhinos and shake them out the door.
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