Well, how does the old saying go? The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat? By the long faces leaving my living room last night, you'd know they experienced the agony of defeat.
I however, not so secretly, was perfectly content with my house full of kids and friends. Of course I had this to graze by each and every 10 minutes in my kitchen like a holstein cow. Perhaps this is why my favorite pair of cargo pants, otherwise known as "fat pants" were less than ahem...comfortable this morning. Grrr....
Look at someone's sticky fingers heading on in to the Muffin Man's practically world famous chicken wings.
The Snack Stadium...it was by all accounts an over achievement on the part of my friend L. She arrived promptly 1 hour early before the party barking out orders to start peeling twinkies and hohos to both her husband and myself.
Here we were, about 1/2 hour into the twinkie peeling and toothpick stacking. Yes, that is a "dummy" pan holding the perfectly planned space while the 7 layers of taco dip were being chilled at 37 degrees in the fridge. She missed not one minute detail. Perhaps my city could hire her for some urban development projects tax payers might have to foot the bill for here in late 2010.
See the marshmellows in the on the left side of the stadium? My idea, thank you very much. I thought they quite resembled some of my mid-western compadres who regularly purchase season football tickets.
And the final result? I present to you the Snack Stadium 2010, which unfortunately shall be forever memorialized as the snack stadium of doom. See the players? They are a tribute to our Winconsin friends out there.
The goal posts were of course carefully constructed Slim Jims. My daughter Ava quickly made sure no one would bogard the goal post before her greasy fingers could be laid upon the holy grail.
What to do with all the leftover twinkie's you ask? Each party goer was promptly sent home with a ziploc baggie that was freezer ready. No arguments. Just take your twinkie baggie and leave. There was one minor skuffle that involved what might be construed as a cat fight over the ho-hos. But all was resolved peacefully, thank goodness.
This stack stadium fun was brought to the cul-de-sac in part by a plethora of Blue Hawaiian drinks. Here is the snack stadium civil engineer herself dressed up in full regalia. Oh, there's me on the right in the one and only sports themed tee-shirt I own. Which I only have since L gave it to me last year. We do look sort of happy with our blue drinks though, don't you think?
Ho hum...another year another football season done for. Big East basketball anyone?
Go Panthers!
That is so very cool! Both of the football fields.
That cake is too cool! Looks like you and the family are doing well!
Hi... just came across your site... I am heading off to China on Thurs to get my daughter from Yangxi SWI... so of course... I have been going through anything and everything on the web just looking for pictures etc... just wanted to drop in and say hi... take care
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