I made this little hipster bag because I saw this fabric and it made me think of E, the birthday girl. Seriously, how could you have a bad day while carrying a bag with ice cream sundaes all over it? It reminds me of her sweet little personality. The only possible hitch might be the lack of pinkness, but I'm throwing caution to the wind hoping the sugary sweetness makes up.
It is now 5 days before Christmas and last night I found myself obsessing over the idea that E would need a ruffled denim skirt and appliqued tee shirt to match ice cream bag. I should have been focusing on the English Trifle I have promised to produce for Christmas dessert. We all know that I sometimes have a lack of focus in the cooking department if I can happily occupy myself elsewhere until the last possible second. Denim skirt and matching tee shirt were of course not on hand in E's size laying around the sewing room. When I awoke this morning to both of my children watching cartoons, allowing me to sleep all the way to 7:50 am...I must pause to express thanks for that small Christmas miracle, I had one thing on the brain. Go to children's resale shop to fine E a denim skirt and matching tee to applique. The muffin man packed the girls off for a morning of indoor swimming at the local pool, and I was left to my own devices. Can you beleive he was happy to take them to the pool in December but gave me the hairy eyeball when I gave strict instructions to wash them off after swimming with soap and shampoo to rid their little bodies of chlorine? I often wonder if there is something really wrong with that little Y chromosome.
All's well that end's well. It was great fun creating that ice cream sundae outfit made from resale shop finds for an amazing little 7 year old. Hope she likes it. If not, I'm sure she be distracted by the stuff under her tree in the next few days. Ugh, late December birthdays...what are these people thinking?
That is freakin' adorable!
That is just darling. Please tell me you're going to be taking orders. I'd love to have an birthday inspired one for Sydney on her 6th, to wear to school. I can just see her passing out her cupcakes as the other little girls give her dirty looks of envy (evil mom grin)! Her birthday is in April, plenty of time...start selling these they are adorable!
So cute!
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