For those of you who are thinking wow, she is crafty how did she come up with that idea? I didn't. I stole it from the internet. Not the dresses, the idea. If you are interested in making your own little girl dresses out of pillow cases, google it. Directions and tutorials abound!
They are ridiculously easy to make and the real fun is coming up with the decorations. It is sort of like buying cupcake mix at the grocery. Making the cupcakes is easy, decorating them with colored icing and sprinkles is the fun part! Ribbons, bows, and buttons just happen to be my icing.

My friend made this little one for her three year old daughter. Gillian loves bows and bright colors, this should quickly be a favorite in her closet.

Ava found some Panda bear buttons at the fabric store last week and they were so darn sweet I couldn't say no to buying them. Perhaps they will make their way to another pillow case dress very soon.
cute cute. G won't wear dresses sadly.
Very very cute.
Those are adorable! I've wanted to make one before and now you've reminded me. Another thing to add to my list of projects...
Very, very cute!! You did wonderful! Still takes alot of talent and you have it!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Hey Perrin - hope all is well in your home. Please check in when you can. Miss your wit and creativity in the blogging world!
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