Thursday, August 04, 2011

Where Eggplant Is Hidden

After the "You have the bum gene mutation that makes you more susceptible to cancer" discussion at  the oncologist's office earlier this summer, I made the decision to eat better. Admittedly this started as a need to control something, anything really, when feeling so darn out of control walking out of 5 doctors offices in June alone.  

Now I'm pretty much convinced that following the anti-sugar, no white flour, no white potato, no white rice, no wheat diet is the way to go.  Anything, that is of the vegetable and fruit persuasion = me living far and beyond my wildest dreams.  Possibly living long enough to irritate my children while bossing them around giving unsolicited advice regarding grandchildren. 

Maybe I have become extremely motivated due to my admitted fear of hearing "You have cancer" again, but this diet change isn't that hard.  I make sure I am never hungry, in my opinion this is the only way to follow any specific diet...if you are hungry you will fail.  I am eating eggs, small amounts of chicken, plain yogurt, cottage cheese and almonds for protein.

Sadly, I am no accomplished short order cook.  The kids have had to sort of shall we say, adapt to the new environmental changes happening in the pantry.  There have been some lively discussions about the difference between a democracy and a benevolent dictatorship.  Our house being the latter. 

Enter Eggplant For Lunch

Today I found a recipe for Baba Ganoush.  Just saying it out loud makes me happy.  How could anyone not like something called Baba Ganoush?  Plus, I had 2 eggplants from my CSA farm share that needed to be eaten. 


  • 2 large eggplants
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 cup plain yogurt
  • 1/4 cup tahini  ( made my own, sesame seeds and olive oil in cuisanart)
  • 1/2 teaspoon teriyaki sauce
  • 1 clove crushed garlic


  1. Wash both eggplants, and pierce them with a knife. Place eggplants on a cookie sheet, put them in a 500 degrees F (260 degrees C) preheated oven for 15 to 20 minutes. After eggplants are baked and cooled, peel the skin off. Put eggplant in a mixing bowl.
  2. Stir in the lemon juice, salt, olive oil, and plain yogurt. Mix ingredients until smooth. Stir in tahini according to taste. When all ingredients are added, transfer the dip to a serving bowl. Stir in teryiaki sauce and garlic. Refrigerate until you are ready to serve.

I tasted it and it's delicious.  Now the tougher customers were called.

Since they appeared at the table dressed as warrior princesses, I told them times are tough, wars are being fought and they needed to pull on their big girl warrior panties and eat while they could.  And, I bribed them with 1/2 a turkey on wheat as well. 

 Usually my toughest critic, this one at least posed with the Baba Ganoush. Then told me she wouldn't eat it.   I countered with "Seriously, there is no peanut butter today.  Eat or go play."  She ate. 

She is now a converted Mediterranean warrior princess.   And I am no longer staring at two eggplants wondering what the heck to do with them.

1 comment:

Stacia said...

Oh, I love babaganoush! You might also want to check out the vegetarian Indian dishes as well for great flavors and lots of healthy spices!