Tuesday, July 03, 2012


It's summer.  We are in the groove.  It took me a few weeks to get to a comfortable place where the girls and I are spending every day all day together.  I love having them with me, and I also completely appreciate the finer points of public school.  The finer point I am speaking about is the one where they swallow up your kids 5 days a week on a huge yellow bus and then that same yellow bus comes back 7 hours later and spits them out on your driveway.

In our togetherness time this summer we have been busy.  I have contemplated simply hanging a sign on the side of the station wagon that says Ava and Olivia's personal taxi service.  Call to inquire about personal rides for your family.

There are small success mixed with bug bites and ice cream this summer.  Here is a small success.

Blue Belt!

 This is one of my favorite Liv looks.  She knows she did good.  Snapped that board like a master.
 But then she can't remain cool any longer and cracks a smile.  All 43 pounds of her.
 Next up, Ava.  She also snapped that board with her soon to be registered as lethal weapon foot.  I'm only agreeing to Tae Kwon Do so that she can kick some teenage boy's ass in a few years. Or get him in a head lock to give him a kiss, whichever comes sooner.
 She takes the coveted prize home.  Next belt level.  I love the way the Chinese kid, standing under the American AND South Korean flags wraps a new belt around her American self.  Might be my favorite photo this summer so far. I guess it's not that much of a competition since the others are of me sipping cocktails by the pool at 5pm on vacation.
I spent an hour on this creative endeavor this morning outside while drinking coffee, trying to finish the second Hunger Games book.  Little hangers on wouldn't let me read in peace.  Why they wouldn't agree to red and blue with a touch of white, I'll never know.  Got to be more original with purple and electric blue for the 4th.


Amber said...

Great pictures of the girls! I love the look on Olivia's face after she kicked that board!

kids bedroom ideas said...

Hello here,
Pink Evita
Got it! Thanks a lot again for helping me out! That was a very effective piece of writing.

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