Thursday, July 29, 2010

I'm Scattered

I'm a bit of a scattered mess.  It's almost as if the kid's are metaphorically standing in front of my work room with their little arms outstretched saying "Don't go in there.  Don't create anything.  Don't get any work done.  Make us macaroni and cheese and take us to the pool. Buy us ice cream."  I'm on the other side of the door saying "Wait, wait little girls...I have lots of ideas.  I'm ready to expand into another shop in town.  I have ideas beyond handbags, crazy colored dresses and baby items are up next on the cutting table." When I am working for a few hours I'm worried I'm not spending enough time with them, summer is short after all.  And when I am not working...which is a lot..I feel as though I should be getting more done for some fall shows coming up. 

So this is my summer.  Wanting to enjoy it with my littles and wanting to have some more time to do what I love, create.  Mostly, I've been hanging in the hood with my littles.  Fine, they win.  They should after all, they are 8 and 4 and deserve my time and attention.    
Here they are getting Santa's time and attention.  This was taken last week on a visit to Santa Claus, Indiana.  Yes, there really is a town called Santa Claus in Indiana.  It is in the middle of a corn field, but you knew that was coming right?  Olivia asked Santa for a sword and a gun.  I'm hoping we don't have deep seeded issues.

This black and white hobo bag goes out in the mail this afternoon. Ha, one bag.  Done.  Ok, two bags if you count the little zipper pouch that goes with the big hobo bag.  Two bags done. 

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Isn't Holiday World the greatest? You can't beat free sodas! :) We are about 45 min. from there. We haven't made there YET this summer.

Sometimes it so hard being a mom. Feeling torn and pulled. And,oi!,
the guilt!!!